Oculus Quest 2 Meet ZimaBoard
Watching Videos
Skybox is recommended
We tested a number of players in Oculus Quest 2, and Skybox was the player we found to be the cleanest and easiest to use from our experience.
Feel free to suggest good ideas!
Open Skybox
1. Install Skybox app from the Oculus Store and open it
2. Select Skybox and open it
Setup CasaOS Shared Folders
1. Then select network
2. Once you are in, select New in the top right hand corner and type in casaos
and click confirm
3. Now you can see the Data folder under CasaOS’s folder. Once inside you can select your favourite movie and watch it.
Select Video
Enjoy Your Time!
Share How You Play!
If you have more interesting ways to play feel free to tell us in Discord!
Let’s bring it to reality together!